How Flare Scaled Their Junior Sales Function With Earlywork
Our journey helping Flare hire 3 junior sales reps who are over-performing and staying in their roles.

We’ve had great feedback across the team on the Earlywork fellows that we’ve hired into our junior sales positions.
The Challenge
In February 2024, Flare was acquired by Australian tech giant, MYOB, and became part of their integrated services.
Alongside the acquisition, however, came a new set of ambitious targets for the Flare team to hit.
In the span of 4-8 weeks, they needed to hire 6 junior sales roles on top of their current junior sales team.
Outside of job boards and referrals, they needed to find another solution.
The Solution
In early 2024, Flare was introduced to Earlywork by the MYOB team to explore an alternative junior sales hiring solution.
After conversations with Earlywork, the team were happy to go ahead with a trial of an upcoming Earlywork Academy cohort as an integrated employer.
Unlike other hiring solutions, Flare received hiring support beyond a regular recruitment agency in three ways:
1) Early exposure to a graduating cohort
During an Earlywork Academy cohort, there are 3 guest presentations slots allocated to integrated employers to build their brand early.
Our cohorts run monthly with a pool of 25+ fellows to tap into with an educational experience.
Check out a clip from Caroline Donovan guest presentation.
2) Seamless integration with the Flare interview process
After a cohort of 25+ graduates, our Employer Success Manager worked collaboratively with Stephanie and Caroline to curate introductions 5+ high fit fellows.
The Flare team were able to view detailed profiles on each fellow and schedule them into a group interview at their office.
Check out what Henry Logan and Mark Reyes’ profiles looked like:
3) 1:1 sales & career coaching for hired fellows
Sales managers in fast growing sales organisations are often stretched for time. Making it hard to provide the amount of 1:1 time required to help junior sales reps ramp faster.
That’s why all Earlywork fellows are put through our 4-week in-house graduate program, Earlywork Accelerator, and receive regular 1:1 coaching from the team alongside their company onboarding program.
Here’s what the Head of Inside Sales @ Flare had to say about the support her Earlywork fellows received:
The Results
Faster junior sales rep ramp time
An always on junior sales hiring source
Despite having no immediate junior sales headcount plans for the rest of 2024 after hiring Henry Logan and Mark Reyes in May, the Flare team had a spot open up.
Within 7 days of re-engaging Earlywork, they were able to make an offer to Earlywork fellow, Chanelle Atalay, who started in July 2024.